The LLVM Project Blog

LLVM Project News and Details from the Trenches

  • GSoC 2024: Reviving NewGVN

    This summer I participated in GSoC under the LLVM Compiler Infrastructure. The goal of the project was to improve the NewGVN pass so that it can replace GVN as the main value numbering pass in LLVM.

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  • GSoC 2024: Compile GPU kernels using ClangIR

    Hello everyone! I’m 7mile. My GSoC project this summer is Compile GPU kernels using ClangIR. It’s been an exciting journey in compiler development, and I’m thrilled to share the progress and insights gained along the way here.

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  • GSoC 2024: Half-precision in LLVM libc

    C23 defines new floating-point types, such as _Float16, which corresponds to the binary16 format from IEEE Std 754, also known as “half-precision,” or FP16. C23 also defines new variants of the C standard library’s math functions accordingly, such as fabsf16 to get the absolute value of a _Float16.

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  • GSoC 2024: GPU Libc Benchmarking

    Hey everyone! My name is James and I worked on LLVM this summer through GSoC. My project is called GPU Libc Benchmarking. The main objective of this project was to develop microbenchmarking infrastructure for libc on the GPU.

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  • LLVM Google Summer of Code 2024 & 2023

    The LLVM organization was accepted to participate in Google Summer of Code in 2024. Soon, prospective participants will begin submitting their project proposals, and mentors will review them to select those who will spend a significant amount of time this year contributing to various parts of LLVM.

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  • Another step forward towards interactive programming

    The Compiler Research team is pleased to announce the successful completion of another round of internships focused on enhancements in interactive programming, specifically in relation to the Clang-REPL component in LLVM.

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  • Tools for Learning LLVM TableGen

    TableGen is a language used within the LLVM project for generating a variety of files, when manual maintenance would be very difficult. For example, it is used to define all of the instructions that can be used on a particular architecture.

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  • Tutorial Development with Clang-Repl

    Introduction I’m Krishna Narayanan, a final undergraduate at Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai and I am talking about my GSoC project in this blog post which mentions the goals, tasks we have accomplished during this summer tenure.

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  • Diagnostic Improvements in Clang 17

    Introduction In the last few months, I have been a part of an ongoing effort to improve Clang’s diagnostic capabilities. The newly released Clang 17 brings several of these improvements to the forefront.

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  • Map LLVM Values to corresponding source level expression, GSoC'23 Project

    Hi, My name is Shivam, I involved with the LLVM Foundation in 2023 GSoC edition and worked on an interesting project Map LLVM Values to corresponding source level expression. Project Scope Programmers frequently rely on compiler-generated remarks and analysis reports to enhance the efficiency of their code.

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